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IEC 62741:2015
Demonstration of dependability requirements - The dependability case
SKU: iec_021820_050848
Published by IEC
Publication Year 2015
1.0 Edition
95 pages
Product Details
IEC 62741:2015 gives guidance on the content and application of a dependability case and establishes general principles for the preparation of a dependability case. This standard is written in a basic project context where a customer orders a system that meets dependability requirements from a supplier and then manages the system until its retirement. The methods provided in this standard may be modified and adapted to other situations as needed. The dependability case is normally produced by the customer and supplier but can also be used and updated by other organizations. For example, certification bodies and regulators may examine the submitted case to support their decisions and users of the system may update/expand the case, particularly where they use the system for a different purpose. Keywords: dependability, reliability, availability, maintainability, supportability, usability, testability, durability.