This is the second edition of CSA Standard Z240.10.1, Site Preparation, Foundation, and Anchorage of Mobile Homes. It supersedes the previous edition published in 1986.
The Standard has been upgraded from a Recommended Practice to mandatory practice in response to concern expressed by regulatory authorities, insurance companies, homeowners, and mobile home manufacturers. This Standard is intended to be referenced by the regulatory authority, park owners, and others so that improved onsite installation of mobile homes can be achieved.
Requirements for all the key aspects of this Standard have been updated, and sketches of typical arrangements have been expanded and relocated to the Appendices.
Considerable effort was devoted to the treatment of anchorage requirements resulting in the development of a new formula for resistance to wind-pressure loading and recommendations for mobile homes in tornado-prone areas.
This Standard was prepared by the Subcommittee on Foundation and Anchorage Systems for Mobile Homes and the CSA Technical Committee on Factory Built Houses under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Industrialized Building Construction and was formally approved by these committees.
This Standard applies to mobile homes or modular units designed to be supported on longitudinal floor beams.
Note: For simplicity, the term mobile home is used in the text of this Standard.
This Standard includes requirements for the following aspects of mobile home installation:
(a) site preparation;
(b) foundations;
(c) anchorage;
(d) connection of multiple-section units; and
(e) skirting.
This Standard is intended to be used by installers, inspectors, and owners of mobile homes.
Foundation systems designed and constructed in accordance with this Standard are considered to be permanent installations.
The values given in SI (metric) units are the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.