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Best practices for defueling, decommissioning, and disposal of compressed natural gas vehicle fuel containers and liquefied natural gas vehicle fuel tanks
  • English
  • Publication Year 2018
  • Published by CSA Group

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Pages: 37

$109.00 USD


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CSA Learning

Learning solutions related to this standard.


SPE-2.1 Series-20 - Online Training

Self-Paced Online Training

This training course provides guidance on the best practices and safety measures for the defueling, decommissioning, and disposal of these CNG fuel containers and LNG vehicle fuel tanks. Leveraging the insights of subject matter experts with decades of experience in the CNG and LNG industries, the course is designed to be used by industry professionals, container and tank owners, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to safely and effectively remove containers and tanks from service.

Successfully completing a CSA Group education program or course may qualify for professional development credits (e.g., CPDs, CEUs, CPHs, etc.) recognized by professional associations and colleges. Learn more about professional development credits.

From $125.00 USD

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