This is the first edition of CSA Standard S350, Code of Practice for Safety in Demolition of Structures, and is written in SI (metric) units.
This Standard was developed in response to a request made in 1973 by the Associate Committee of the National Building Code of Canada. A review of the Canadian Construction Safety Code, sponsored and published by the National Building Code, indicated that the former was not sufficiently sophisticated to satisfy current requirements, particularly with respect to the demolition of prestressed concrete structures. A task force was sponsored in 1974 by CSA to review the problem, with representatives drawn from all segments of the Canadian construction industry, government, and consulting fraternity. This task force identified the need to expand the terms of reference to include safe demolition practices for all types of structures. CSA responded by forming a committee that would develop such a code, this Committee convening for the first time in the fall of 1974.
This Standard is not intended to provide step-by-step instructions for demolition procedures but, rather, it outlines the requirements for safety precautions to be observed in order to ensure the safety of the public, workers, and property.
As a guideline, Appendix A outlines methods for the demolition of different components of the structure.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Code of Practice on the Demolition of Structures under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Structures (Design) and was formally approved by these Committees.
1.1 General
This Standard outlines the safety precautions to be observed and procedures to be used before, during, and after demolition operations to provide for the safety of the public, workers, and property.
Demolition procedures for both systematic and rapid progressive failure methods are described. Particular emphasis is given to areas of known concern.
Recommendations are made for techniques of demolition for specific structural elements and types of structures, including prestressed concrete. (See Appendix A.)
This Standard shall be read in conjunction with Part 8 of the National Building Code and the appropriate provincial regulations.
1.2 Special Structures
For special structures, such as refineries, chemical works, grain elevators, and nuclear power plants, the provisions of this Standard shall govern so far as they are applicable.