This is the second edition of CSA Special Publication PLUS 1133, Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management — General Audit Principles and Audit Procedures for Auditing Sustainable Forest Management. It supersedes the first edition published in 1997 under the title Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management Systems — General Audit Principles and Audit Procedures for Auditing Sustainable Forest Management Systems.
The concept of sustainable forest management (SFM) and the associated practice of SFM auditing are means by which organizations can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable forest management. The SFM requirements and guidelines are intended to help an organization establish and continue to meet its sustainable forest management commitments, policies, objectives, standards, and other requirements. SFM auditing is a valuable instrument to verify and improve sustainable forest management planning and implementation.
This Special Publication is intended to provide guidance to organizations, auditors, and their clients on the general principles common to the execution of SFM audits. It provides definitions of an SFM audit and related terms and outlines the general principles of SFM auditing.
The content of this publication is consistent with the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard on quality and environmental systems auditing, now approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada and published by CSA as CAN/CSA-ISO 19011-03, Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management system auditing.
This Special Publication establishes general principles for the planning and performance of an audit of the SFM requirements specified in CSA Z809. The procedures provided are applicable to all types and sizes of organizations.