This is the seventh edition of CSA Standard 080, Wood Preservation, and is the first published in SI (metric) units. This edition supersedes the sixth edition, published in 1974. Earlier editions were published in 1970, 1966, 1962, 1959, and 1954.
The most significant differences between this edition and the previous editions include metrication and the assay—retention-only requirements for pentachlorophenol and all water—borne preservative treatment.
This Standard references certain Standards of the American Wood-Preservers’ Association and of the American Society for Testing and Materials, which are supplemented where necessary to suit conditions peculiar to Canada.
The practice of annually reviewing the AWPA and ASTM Standard changes has continued, and will be continued so that those Standards which are referenced can be kept current and new developments may be incorporated if applicable.
Amendments to this edition will be issued in loose-leaf form to replace completely those pages containing obsolete requirements. Where additional pages are required to contain an expanded text, the number given to these pages will be suffixed with a letter.
This Standard may be considered a minimum Standard that may be modified but, if used without modification, will still protect the user and provide satisfactory service.
This Standard sets forth requirements for materials, analysis of material, and operational practices for pressure and thermal impregnation for the chemical preservation of wood.