This is the fifth edition of CSA Standard O80, Wood Preservation and it supersedes the fourth edition published in 1966. Earlier editions were published in 1962, 1959 and 1954.
Originally, this Standard adopted, by reference, certain standards of the American Wood-Preservers' Association and of the American Society for Testing and Materials, which were supplemented, where necessary, to suit conditions peculiar to Canada. This basis is still used for all Standards other than the Commodity Standards but, in the case of the latter, it has been found that the increasing incidence of supplements was adversely affecting clarity and usefulness. To correct this inadequacy, the Committee decided to prepare full Canadian Commodity Standards which could be used independently of the reference Standards. This task has now been completed and the inclusion of the resulting Commodity Standards, duly approved by CSA procedures, represents the primary difference between the fourth and fifth editions.
The practice of annually reviewing the AWPA and ASTM standard changes will be continued so that those CSA Standards which are adopted by reference, can be kept current and so that new developments might be incorporated in the full Commodity Standards, if applicable.
This Standard may be considered a minimum Standard, which may be modified, but which, if used without modification, will still protect the user.
This Standard was prepared by the Committee of Wood Preservation under the jurisdiction of the Sectional Committee on Timber, and was formally approved by these Committees.
This Standard sets forth requirements for materials, analysis of materials, and operational practices for chemical preservation of wood.