This new edition of CSA Standard O80-Wood Preservation, superseded the second edition published in 1959. The first edition was published in 1954.
In essence, this Standard adopts by reference certain standards of the American Wood Preservers Association and, where necessary, gives detailed supplementary requirements which are peculiar to Canadian wood species or conditions. The CSA Committee on Wood Preservation considered this form of specification to be the most practical and feasible to keep up-to-date. All annual technical changes to AWPA Standards are reviewed by the CSA Committee on Wood Preservation to ensure that these requirements are suitable for Canadian species and conditions. The need for Canadian requirements for established products and processes as well as new ones is kept under constant study. This Standard may be considered a miniumu standard which may be modified, but which, if used without modification, will still protect the user.
This Standard was prepared by the Committee on Wood Preservation under the jurisdiction of the Sectional Committee on Timber, and was formally approved by these Committees and the Technical Council.
This Specification sets forth requirements for materials, analysis of materials, and operational practices for chemical preservation of wood.