Structural Commentaries (User’s Guide – NBC 2010: Part 4 of Division B)
Product Details
This User's Guide is intended to help Code users understand and apply the design requirements provided in Part 4 of Division B of the National Building Code of Canada 2010 (NBC). The Structural Commentaries contain valuable background information and, in some cases, suggested approaches to certain design questions related to, for example, limit states design, snow loads, rain loads and design for seismic effects. This new edition of the User's Guide reflects technical changes incorporated into the NBC 2010, and provides additional material on issues likely to be addressed in the next edition of the NBC. Topics addressed by the revised material include, among others, the intent of the post-disaster building classification, live loads due to use and occupancy, extensive material to support the changes related to design for earthquake and more detailed figures for snow loads on buildings.
The National Model Codes and related guides are also available for free in electronic format through the National Research Council of Canada’s Publications Archive.
The purpose of these Commentaries is to make available to the designer detailed design information that will assist in the use of Part 4 of Division B of the National Building Code of Canada 2010 (NBC). The Commentaries are provided as background information and, in some cases, as suggested approaches to certain design questions, but not as mandatory requirements.
Because the information provided in these Commentaries cannot cover all conditions or types of structures that occur in practice, and also because new information may become available in the future, the designer should try to obtain the latest and most appropriate design information available. For unusual types of structures, specialized information such as theoretical studies, model tests or wind tunnel experiments may be required to provide adequate design values.
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