NRC AFC-2014
National Fire Code – 2014 Alberta Edition
Product Details
The AFC 2014 complements the Alberta Building Code 2014, and both must be considered when constructing, renovating, operating, or maintaining buildings. New information has been added to the AFC 2014 to make it easier to apply to existing buildings, and more accommodating to innovation, including provisions to ensure fire safety and protection during the construction or demolition of six-storey wood buildings based entirely on the upcoming 2015 National Model Construction Codes.
The National Fire Code of Canada 2010, together with the National Building Code of Canada 2010, the National Plumbing Code of Canada 2010, and the National Energy Code of Canada 2011, is an objective-based National Model Code that can be adopted by provincial and territorial governments.
In Canada, provincial and territorial governments have the authority to enact legislation that regulates the following activities within their jurisdictions:
• activities related to the construction, use or demolition of buildings and facilities
• the condition of specific elements of buildings and facilities
• the design or construction of specific elements of facilities related to certain hazards
• protection measures for the current or intended use of buildings
This legislation may include the adoption of the National Fire Code (NFC) without change or with modifications to suit local needs, and the enactment of other laws and regulations related to these activities, including the requirements for professional involvement.
The National Fire Code of Canada is a model code that helps promote consistency among provincial and territorial codes.
Alberta Fire Code 2014
By agreement with the National Research Council of Canada, Alberta is committed to using the National Fire Code of Canada 2010 with changes and modifications to suit Alberta’s needs in regulating fire standards.
The Alberta Fire Code 2014 was established by the Alberta Safety Codes Council after consultation with municipal authorities, provincial government departments, associations, other affected parties and Code users.
The Alberta Fire Code 2014 succeeds the 2006 edition.
The Alberta Fire Code 2014 sets out technical provisions regulating
• activities related to the construction, use or demolition of buildings and facilities
• the condition of specific elements of buildings and facilities
• the design or construction of specific elements of facilities related to certain hazards
• protection measures for the current or intended use of buildings
The Alberta Fire Code establishes requirements to address the following three objectives, which are fully described in Division A of the Code:
• safety
• health
• fire protection of buildings and facilities
Code provisions do not necessarily address all the characteristics of buildings and facilities that might be considered to have a bearing on the Code’s objectives. Through the extensive consensus process used to develop and maintain Canada’s National Model and Provincial Codes, the code-user community has decided which characteristics should be regulated through the Alberta Fire Code.
The Alberta Fire Code 2014 is a code that, when adopted, becomes a regulation. It is not a textbook on the operation, maintenance, protection, design or construction of buildings and facilities. Executing these activities in a technically sound manner depends upon many factors beyond simple compliance with fire regulations. Such factors include the availability of knowledgeable practitioners who have received appropriate education, training and experience, and who have some degree of familiarity with the principles of good practice and experience using textbooks, reference manuals and technical guides.
The Alberta Fire Code does not list acceptable proprietary products. It establishes the criteria that materials, products and assemblies must meet. Some of these criteria are explicitly stated in the Alberta Fire Code while others are incorporated by reference to material or product standards published by standards development organizations. Only those portions of the standards related to the objectives of this Code are mandatory parts of the Alberta Fire Code.
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