CSA Group's 2019 Gas Trade materials reference the Red Seal Program's trade outlines for your preparation to become a nationally recognized gasfitter. Please visit the Red Seal Program's website for more details.
This supplement is intended to augment the Utilization Codes, Acts and Regulations unit of the CSA Gas Trade 3 Training Materials. It contains materials specific to Ontario that correspond to the Technical Standards and Safety Act and the Regulations made under the Act pertaining to natural gas and propane equipment installations. Reference to the general Utilization Codes, Acts and Regulations unit is required to learn about the CSA B149 Code series, additional agencies and bodies that govern gas and propane installation, and additional codes, acts, and regulations.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
• Identify the acts and regulations that are specific to natural gas and propane installations in Ontario.
• Identify the responsibilities of the gas technicians and others relative to the installation, inspection, and approval of gas and propane installations in Ontario.
Revisions Summary:
The Training materials have been revised to include the following changes throughout the training units:
▪ Updated language to enhance student understanding
▪ Revised references and links to the most current legislation
▪ Revisions include new technologies used in the industry
▪ Updated look and feel