This bundle combines the CSA B149.1:20, Natural gas and propane installation code and 2021 TSSA Ontario amendments in an electronic format on CSA Advantage. This product allows the user to access inline embedded TSSA amendments as well as, provides quick and easy note taking and saving capability.
An important resource for gas and propane industry workers across Canada, the 2020 edition of CSA B149.1, Natural gas and propane installation code reflects the latest advances in technology and the most current safety requirements.
CSA B149.1:20 applies to the installation of:
• Appliances, equipment, components, and accessories where gas is to be used for fuel purposes
• Piping and tubing systems.
• Vehicle-refueling appliances and associated equipment.
• Stationary gas engines and turbines. The code has been reviewed by regulatory authorities across Canada, and is expected to be adopted into law in every Canadian province and territory.
2021 TSSA Ontario amendments:
The Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) has published Code Adoption Documents (CAD) for use in conjunction with the 2020 CSA B149.1 and serves as a collection of important amendments for the utilization of the Codes in Ontario.