CSA Preface
This is the first edition of CSA ISO 19901-9, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Specific requirements for offshore structures — Part 9: Structural integrity management, which is an adoption without modification of the identically titled ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard 19901-9 (first edition, 2019-07).
For brevity, this Standard will be referred to as “CSA ISO 19901-9” throughout.
Standards development within the Canadian Offshore Structures sector is harmonized with international standards development.
This Standard was reviewed for Canadian adoption by the harmonized Canadian Advisory Committee and CSA Technical Committee to ISO TC 67/SC 7, Offshore Structures. This Standard has been formally approved by the CSA Technical Committee on Design, Construction, and Installation of Offshore Structures, under the jurisdiction of the CSA Strategic Steering Committee on Offshore Structures and Arctic Operations.
This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group.
This document specifies principles for the structural integrity management (SIM) of offshore structures subjected to known or foreseeable types of actions.
This document specifies requirements and provides recommendations applicable to the following types of fixed steel offshore structures for the petroleum and natural gas industries:
— caissons, free-standing and braced;
— jackets;
— monotowers;
— towers.
This document is applicable to topsides, including but not limited to the main decks, deck legs, topsides modules, crane pedestals, helideck, drilling derrick, skid beams, flare booms, exhaust towers, radio tower, conductor support frames, and lifeboat davits. In addition, it is applicable to compliant bottom founded structures, steel gravity structures, jack-ups, other bottom founded structures and other structures related to offshore structures (e.g. underwater oil storage tanks, bridges and connecting structures), to the extent to which its requirements are relevant.
This document contains requirements for planning and engineering of the following tasks:
a) integrity management data requirements;
b) in-service inspection and integrity management of both new and existing structures;
c) assessment of existing structures;
d) evaluation of structures for reuse at different locations;
e) evaluation of structures for their future removal.