This is the first edition of CSA Standard CAN3—086, Code for Engineering Design in Wood, written in SI units.
This Standard has been prepared in response to Canada's conversion to the metric system. Although it is intended that this metric version replace the 1976 edition of 086 the latter will not be withdrawn until such time as metric conversion in the industry is essentially complete.
This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the design of timber buildings and other structures of normal proportions. When structures or component members of structu es are of a specialized nature the provisions of this Standard may not be directly applicable, but minimum requirements equivalent to those set out in this Standard should be adhered to.
When applied to buildings, CSA Standard 086 is intended to be used in conjunction with the National Building Code of Canada and/or applicable; provincial and municipal building codes. It is incorporated by reference in the National Building Code of Canada and all provincial building codes.
This Standard was prepared by a Committee of professional engineers, with balanced representation from producers of wood products, consulting engineers, universities, government, and others. The Committee received valuable advice from five Subcommittees on: general design; sawn lumber, poles and piles; glued—laminated timber; plywood; and fastenings.
The major differences between this and the version of 086 published in 1976 are as follows:
(a) Metric conversion has been carried out;
(b) Allowable tensile stresses for sawn dimension lumber based on results of testing of full size production run material have been incorporated;
(c) Allowable properties for glued—laminated timbers have been revised to reflect new laminating combinations;
(d) New provisions for the design of glued-laminated timber subject to shear loads have been incorporated;
(e) The section property table for Douglas—fir plywood has been revised to reflect new metric layups.
A Supplement has been prepared in Imperial units which will permit the technical changes incorporated in CSA Standard CAN3—086 to be used with CSA Standard 086—1976, to make the two editions of the Standard technically consistent.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Engineering Design in Wood under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Structures (Design) and was formally approved by these Committees. This Standard has been approved as a National Standard by the Standards Council of Canada.
1.1 General
This Standard provides design criteria for structurally graded lumber, glued laminated timber, plywood, piling, pole—type construction, and major fastenings.
This Standard is intended for use in the design or appraisal of structures or structural elements made from wood or wood products employing the working stress design method.