This is the third edition of CSA Standard Z94.4, Selection, Use, and Care of Respirators. It supersedes the previous editions published in 1993 and 1982.
This Standard specifies requirements for the proper selection, use, and care of respirators and outlines the essential components necessary for an effective respiratory protection program in the workplace. Its purpose is to protect respirator users from any known or potential respiratory hazards.
The outstanding contributions of the members of the Z94.4 Technical Rewrite Subcommittee to the development of this Standard are acknowledged. In developing this Standard, the Z94.4 Technical Rewrite Subcommittee was tasked with developing a draft for review by the Technical Committee. To be assured that the latest advances in respiratory protection were reflected, the Subcommittee spent considerable time reviewing the latest research and the most current literature, including other relevant standards and regulations.
To improve how the Standard is used, a number of significant changes have been introduced since the previous edition. A notable change is seen in the selection section (Clause 6), where a new respirator selection flowchart and corresponding decision logic process have been developed to assist users in selecting the appropriate respirator. Other clauses have been improved and expanded in order to provide additional guidance and clarification to users.
The Technical Committee would like to acknowledge the contributions of Mr. J.T. (Jack) Vanchuk, past Chair of the Z94.4 Technical Committee, who passed away on February 19, 1999. Mr. Vanchuk will be remembered for his outstanding leadership and expertise.
This Standard was prepared by the Z94.4 Technical Rewrite Subcommittee, under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee on Selection, Use, and Care of Respirators and the Strategic Steering Committee on Occupational Health and Safety, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee. It will be submitted to the Standards Council of Canada for approval as a National Standard of Canada.
This Standard sets out requirements for the proper selection, use, and care of respirators and for the administration of an effective respiratory protection program in the workplace.
This Standard is not intended to address the selection of respirators for use against
(a) infectious agents; and
(b) nuclear biological chemical (NBC) agents.
This Standard applies to all other aspects of the respirator program for these agents.
This Standard is not intended to address
(a) underwater breathing devices;
(b) aircraft oxygen systems; or
(c) inhalators and resuscitators.
This Standard is written in SI (metric) units. The yard-pound equivalents are provided for information only.
In CSA Standards, shall is used to express a requirement, ie, a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the standard; should is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and may is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the standard.
Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material.
Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements.
Legends to equations and figures are considered requirements.