CSA Preface
This is the first edition of CAN/CSA-Z19902, Petroleum and natural gas industries - Fixed steel offshore structures, which is an adoption, with Canadian deviations, of the identically titled ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard 19902 (first edition, 2007-12-01). This edition of CAN/CSA-Z19902 replaces CAN/CSA-S473-04, Steel Structures, except for Annexes A, B, and C of CAN/CSA-S473-04 as referenced in Clause H.3.3.13 in the body of CAN/CSA-Z19902. At the time of publication, ISO 19902:2007 is available from ISO in English only. CSA will publish the French version when it becomes available from ISO.
This International Standard specifies requirements and provides recommendations applicable to the following types of fixed steel offshore structures for the petroleum and natural gas industries:
- caissons, free-standing and braced;
- jackets;
- monotowers;
- towers.
In addition, it is applicable to compliant bottom founded structures, steel gravity structures, jack-ups, other bottom founded structures and other structures related to offshore structures (such as underwater oil storage tanks, bridges and connecting structures), to the extent to which its requirements are relevant.
This International Standard contains requirements for planning and engineering of the following tasks:
a) design, fabrication, transportation and installation of new structures as well as their future removal;
b) in-service inspection and integrity management of both new and existing structures;
c) assessment of existing structures;
d) evaluation of structures for reuse at different locations.
NOTE 1 Specific additional requirements for the design of fixed steel offshore structures in arctic environments are to be contained in ISO 19906[1].
NOTE 2 Requirements for topsides structures are to be contained in ISO 19901-3[2], for marine operations in ISO 19901-6[3] and for the site-specific assessment of jack-ups in ISO 19905-1[4].