This is the second edition of No. 41 of a series of Approvals Specifications now being issued by the Canadian Standards Association under Part II of the Canadian Electrical Code. The first edition of this Specification was issued in July 1937.
It should be noted that the title of the Specification has been changed from Ground Clamps to Grounding and Bonding Equipment with a corresponding broadening of the scope.
This Specification was formally approved by the Committee on CE Code, Part II in February 1950, by the Committee on CE Code, Part I in April 1950 and by the CSA Main Committee with authority to publish it as a CSA Standard in June 1950.
1. This Specification is intended to apply to grounding and bonding equipment in sizes approved for use with grounding-conductors in the range of sizes from No. 18 to N0. 3/0 (B & S Gauge) inclusive, designed to be employed in accordance with the Rules of Part I of this Code.
2. It applies to ground clamps, grounding bushings, water-meter shunts, armoured grounding wire, ground rods, and the like.
3. This Specification is based upon records of tests and field experience, and is subject to revision as further experience and investigation may show to be necessary or desirable.
4. A device or product which complies with this Specification will not necessarily be acceptable if it has other features which, when examined and tested, are found to impair the result contemplated by the Specification.
5. A device or product having materials or forms of construction differing from those detailed in this Specification may be examined and tested according to the intent of the requirements, and if found to be substantially equivalent may be given recognition.