This twelfth edition supersedes previous editions published in 1972, 1969, 1966, 1962, 1958,1953,1947, 1939, 1935, 1930 and 1927.
It includes all revisions to the eleventh edition which have been approved by the Committee on CE Code; Part I and the Provincial Chairmen's Committee.
The following new Sections have been added:
Section 50 Data Processing Systems;
Section 74 Airport Installations;
Section 76 Temporary Wiring;
Section 78 Marinas and Yacht Clubs.
The rules in a number of Sections have been regrouped and renumbered to facilitate usage and the future addition of new rules.
The former Appendix G, Instructions to Electricians and Others has been deleted.
Sections 0 to 16 and 26 are considered to be General Sections; the others being Supplementary or Amendatory Sections.
Of particular interest in this edition are revisions which are the result of a concentrated effort to reduce the number of provincial deviations contained in provincial legislation. Of almost 100 subjects dealt with in the nationalization effort, 72 per cent were accepted. This will be of great help to the electrical industry and in particular the manufacturers of factory-built homes and mobile homes. Procedures have been developed to ensure that such differences will be under continual review.
Appendix C has been modified to include a procedure to provide co-ordination of requirements in the C22.2 Series of Part II product standards (Canadian Electrical Code, Part II) with changes in CE Code, Part I as they are approved. This will provide improved communication not only between the Committees on Part I and Part II but also between inspection authorities and manufacturers with respect to the implementation of Part I changes in manufactured products.
Of the many changes included in this edition the following will be of particular interest.
Former Tables 4A and 4B have been renumbered Tables 5A and 5B and a new Table 6 provides data on conduit fill which is now based on the actual conductor or cable diameter and not solely on the dimensions of rubber insulated conductors as in the past.
The term voltage has been substituted for potential in the text of many definitions and rules.
The Rules of Section 8 have been modified by a complete review and coordination of the use of terms such as dwelling unit and single-family dwelling which are now defined in Section O.
A new Rule 12-118 has been added specifically related to the termination and splicing of aluminum conductors.
Rule 2-400 has been modified to require enclosure designations to be preceded by the letters CSA.
New Rule 30-402 now permits the alternative use of a coloured tracer in the braid of the supply leads of lighting fixtures for distinguishing ungrounded, identified and grounding conductors.
Rules 26-700 to 26-706 regarding the installation of receptacles have been extensively revised.
New products now recognized include:
Flat cable systems (Rules 12-1608 and' 12-2408) ;
Rigid FRE conduit (Rules 12-2500 to 12-2512);
Field assembled cable sets for embedding in concrete indoors (Rule 62-122).
New Rule 14-102 provides requirements for ground fault protection of equipment while new Rules 14-7DO to 14-704 deal with solid state devices.
The Committee on Part I have agreed that it should be possible to publish the next (1978) edition as a metric edition provided certain basic data is available by the end of 1976.
This Code covers all electrical' work and electrical equipment operating or intended to operate at all voltages in electrical installations for buildings, structures, and premises, including factory, built relocatable and non-relocatable structures, with the following exceptions: I
(a) Installations or equipment employed by an electric or communication utility in the exercise of its function as a utility, and located outdoors or in buildings or sections of buildings used for that purpose;
(b) Car wiring, car houses, passenger and freight stations used in the operation of electric railways and supplied with electric current from the railway power circuit;
(c) Aircraft;
(d) Coal mines and metalliferous and industrial mines and quarries (covered by CE Code, Part V); and
(e) Self-propelled marine vessels except where such vessels are stationary for periods exceeding five months and are connected to a shore supply of electricity continuously or from time to time.