Preface to the Ninth Edition
The Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, is a voluntary code. Its preparation represents an intensive study of current practices and contemporary codes of practice dealing with electrical installations for buildings, structures, and premises. This Code is to be regarded as minimum requirements and not design specifications. It is recommended that ample consideration be given by designers, installers and users to future capacity for expansion and conditions for maintenance in relation to the trend to greater and wider uses of electricity as a source of energy.
The development of new materials and methods for the use of electricity and the progress of the art make it necessary to continually revise the Code in order to keep it abreast of these new developments. To this end there have been published two editions of interim revisions to the eighth edition and a number of later revisions have been approved for publication. Due to the number of revisions it has been deemed advisable to issue this ninth edition.
The editorial treatment of this edition is the same as that first used in the sixth edition and includes the following details:
(a) Numbering System. Even numbers have been used throughout to identify sections and rules. Rule numbers consist of the section number separated by a dash from the 3-digit figure. The intention is that odd numbers may be used for new rules required by interim revisions. Due to the introduction of some new rules and the deletion of some existing rules during revision of each edition, the rule numbers for any particular requirement are not always the same in successive editions;
(b) Rule Captions. Bold-face captions for each rule have been provided for ready reference;
(c) Subdivision of Rules. Rules are subdivided in the manner illustrated by Rules 10-064 and 10-066 and the subdivisions are identified as follows:
(d) Reference to Other Rules, etc. Where reference is made to two or more rules, the first and the last rules mentioned are included in the reference. References within a subrule to other subrules mean the subrules of that rule. References to a subrule of another rule are for convenience expressed by the rule number followed by the subrule number in brackets (e.g. Rule 10-016(3) and not Subrule (3) of Rule 10-016);
(e) Use of and and or. Paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, and clauses are mainly used to emphasize or distinguish requirements which are either inclusive or alternate. Where they are inclusive the word and is understood between each two, and where they are alternate the word or is understood. For the sake of brevity however the words and or or are only placed after the second to last requirements stated. In some cases there may be found two series of and requirements separated by or, or vice versa.
Future interim revisions will be issued as Supplement R and the revised rules will be preceded by the letter R.
Acknowledgement is made for the use of material contained in the National Electrical Code, for Figures Al0, All, and A12, which were taken from publications of the St. John Ambulance Association, and for material from the Edison Electric Institute Resuscitation Manual.
This ninth edition supersedes previous editions issued as follows:
First edition - 1927
Second edition - 1930
Third edition - 1935
Fourth edition - 1939
Fifth edition - 1947
Sixth edition - 1953
Seventh edition - 1958
Eighth edition - 1962
It includes all revisions to the eighth edition which have been approved to date by the Committee on CE Code, Part I, the Provincial Chairmen's Committee, and the CSA Technical Council.
This Code is designated the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I. It governs all electrical work and electrical equipment operating or intended to operate at all potentials in electrical installations for buildings, structures, and premises with the following exceptions:
(a) Installations or equipment employed by an electric or communication utility in the exercise of its function as a utility, and located outdoors or in buildings or sections of buildings used for that purpose except as covered by Rules 10-004 to 10-018 ;
(b) Car wiring, car houses, passenger and freight stations used in the operation of electric railways and supplied with electric current from the railway power circuit;
(c) Aircraft;
(d) Coal mines and metalliferous and industrial mines and quarries (covered by CE Code, Part V) ; and
(e) Self-propelled marine vessels except where such vessels are stationary for periods exceeding five months and are connected to a shore supply of electricity continuously or from time to time.
The Code is divided into numbered sections, each one covering some main division of the work. The sections are divided into numbered rules with captions for easy reference.