This is the first edition of CSA Standard B352.0, Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines - Part 7 : General Requirements. This Standard is the first of the B352 Series of CSA Standards.
This series of Standards details the design, testing, performance, and safety requirements for rollover protective structures (ROPS) for agricultural, construction, earthmoving, forestry, industrial, and mining machines. This series is divided into the following three Standards, with additional Standards to be added as they are developed:
- B352.0, Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry Industrial, and Mining Machines - Part 7: General Requirements;
- B352.1 , Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines - Part 2: Testing Requirements for ROPS on Agricultural Tractors; and
- B352.2, Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines - Part 3: Testing Requirements for ROPS on Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines.
This series of Standards supersedes CSA Standard B352, Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines, published in 1 980. The requirements in CSA Standard 6352.1 replace the requirements of Clause 5 of CSA Standard B352 for new ROPS designs for agricultural tractors, while the requirements of CSA Standard B352.2 replace the requirements of Clause 4 of CSA Standard B352 for all new ROPS designs for construction, earthmoving, forestry, industrial, and mining machines. As well, a number of the nonmandatory design and safety guidelines included in the annex of CSA Standard B352 have been made mandatory and are included in CSA Standard B352.0 as general requirements for all ROPS.
It should be noted that the changes in testing requirements leading to this new series of Standards are primarily in the interests of international Standards harmonization. CSA Standard B352 provided effective ROPS testing requirements; the testing requirements replacing them in this new series of Standards are not only equally effective but also agree with several international Standards which have been developed more recently. CSA Standard B352 may continue to be used for existing ROPS designs, and for new designs for machines not covered by CSA Standard B352.1 or B352.2, until such time as new requirements are developed. For example, it may be used for testing ROPS for specialized, small agricultural tractors until such time as new appropriate ROPS standards are developed for these tractors. As well, Clause 6 of CSA Standard B352 should continue to be used for analytical design of ROPS for one-of-a-kind machines until revised analytical guidelines are developed.
CSA Standard B352.1 is equivalent in technical content to the Society of Automotive Engineers Standard SAE J2194, Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Wheeled Agricultural Tractors, and to the following international Standards:
- ISO 5700, Wheeled Tractors for Agriculture and Forestry - Protective Structures - Static Test Method and Acceptance Conditions; and
ISO 3463, Wheeled Tractors for Agriculture and Forestry - Protective Structures - Dynamic Test Method and Acceptance Conditions.
Several changes have, however, been made to agree with Canadian needs. Providing resistance to brittle fracture at reduced temperature (Annex A of IS0 5700 and IS0 3463) is mandatory. As well, reduced temperature static testing (Clause 11.6 of IS0 5700 and Clause 2.2.2 of SAE 121 94) is not accepted as a valid means of verifying the reduced temperature dynamic properties of a ROPS fabricated from non-ROPS material. The reduced-temperature-field upset test has been introduced as an additional method of testing the performance of such ROPS. The above changes agree with Canadian requirements initially introduced in CSA Standard B352.
CSA Standard B352.2 is equivalent in technical content to international Standard IS0 3471-94-02-01 and to the Society of Automotive Engineers Standard SAE 11040-APR88. This Standard includes some significant changes from CSA Standard B352. Longitudinal loads are now required for testing all ROPS covered by CSA Standard B352.2. As well, testing requirements for ROPS on dumpers have been included. One change has been introduced to agree with Canadian use: ROPS for general-purpose industrial tractors may be tested according to the requirements of either CSA Standard B352.1 or B352.2.
This Standard was developed, reviewed, and adopted by the CSA Technical Committee on Rollover Protective Structures under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Occupational Health and Safety and was formally approved by both Committees.
This Standard is a companion to the other Standards of the B352 series and can only be used in conjunction with each of the Standards.
This series of Standards details the design, testing, performance, and safety requirements for rollover protective structures (ROPS) for certain types of self-propelled machines for agricultural, construction, earthmoving, forestry, industrial, and mining operations, as listed in Clauses 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5.
CSA Standard B352.1 covers the performance requirements, based on destructive testing, for ROPS on wheeled agricultural tractors with a mass greater than 800 kg. It may also be used as an alternative method for testing ROPS on general-purpose industrial tractors.
CSA Standard B352.2 covers the performance requirements, based on destructive testing, for ROPS on industrial tractors, motor graders, prime movers, skidders, tracked dozers, tracked loaders, wheeled dozers, wheeled loaders, backhoe loaders, rigid-frame dumpers, compactors, or rollers, with machine mass greater than 700 kg.
CSA Standard B352 may continue to be used for developing and testing ROPS on machines not covered by either CSA Standards B352.1 or B352.2, such as ROPS for small, specialized agricultural tractors. As well, Clause 6 of B352 should be used for analytical design of one-of-a-kind machines until revised analytical guidelines are developed.
The testing of ROPS aims at minimizing the likelihood of operator injury resulting from accidental overturning during normal operation. Although ROPS meeting the requirements of this series of Standards may not provide crush protection under all circumstances of machine overturn, it is expected that protection will be provided for an operator wearing a seatbelt under at least the following conditions:
(a) a 360° roll about the machine's longitudinal axis on a hard clay surface of 30° maximum slope, at forward speeds up to 16 km/h, when not losing contact with the slope; and
(b) a 180° rear or frontal overturn on a hard dry surface, without losing contact with the surface.