This is the first edition of CSA Standard A82.31, Gypsum Board Application, written in SI (le Système international d'unités).
This Standard is technically compatible with A82.31-1977 and can be used in parallel with it until metric measurement dominate the construction industry. At that time A82.31-1977 will be withdrawn.
This Standard is part of the CSA A82 Series of Gypsum and Lime.
This Standard is essentially a soft converted version of A82.31-1977, and therefore the references to fasteners, channels and framing call up the minimum size and mass that may be used and do not necessarily reflect the common or available sized of metric materials. Building dimensions (i.e., stud spacings) have, however, been hardconverted.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Gypsum and Lime, under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Building Materials and products and was formally approved by these Committees.
This Standard is intended to describe the minimum requirements for:
(a) The application and finishing of gypsum board used in wall and ceiling construction (except gypsum board to receive plaster); and
(b) The installation of framing to receive above gypsum board.
Where a fire performance rating is required, the installation, including type and spacings of fasteners, shall be in accordance with the applicable fire test report and/or building code regulation or as provided in Supplement NO. 2, Fire Performance Ratings, of the National Building Code of Canada.
Where the requirements in this Standard are more stringent (size or thickness of framing, size and spacing of fasteners, etc.) than the fire-rated construction, these requirements shall govern; otherwise, the construction described in the fire test report shall govern.