This is the first edition of CSA Standard A82.30, Interior Furring, Lathing, and Gypsum Plastering, written in the SI (le Système international d'unités). It supersedes CSA Standard A82.30-1965, Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering.
*Often referred to as the modern metric system. See CSA Standard CAN3-Z234.1, Canadian Metric Practice Guide.
This is Standard is one of the CSA A82 Series on Gypsum and Lime.
The new standard has been prepared to incorporate materials, systems and practices that have been developed since the publication of the 1965 edition.
This Standard differs from the earlier edition mainly in that all dimensions are in SI units. Reference to Fasteners, channels and framing call up minimum size and mass that may be used and do not necessarily reflect the common or available sizes of metric materials.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Gypsum and Lime, under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Building Materials and Products and was formally approved by these Committees.
This Standard describes minimum requirements for furring, lathing and full-thick gypsum plastering for interior locations.
This Standard does not cover veneer plastering nor furring and lathing to receive veneer plaster.