CAN/CSA-ISO 1996-2-05
Acoustics - Description and Measurement of Environmental Noise - Part 2: Acquisition of Data Pertinent to Land Use (Adopted ISO 1996-2:1987, first edition, 1987-04-15)
Product Details
This is the first edition of CAN/CSA-ISO 1996-2, Acoustics - Description and measurement of environmental noise - Part 2: Acquisition of data pertinent to land use, which is an adoption without modification of the identically titled ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard 1996-2 (first edition, 1987-04-15), including Amendment 1:1998.
Scope and Field of Application
This part of ISO 1996 describes methods for the acquisition of data which provide descriptors that enable a) a description of the environmental noise in a specified area of land to be made in a uniform way; b) the compatibility of any land use activity or projected activity to be assessed with respect to.existing or predicted noise.