CSA C17:M84 (R2020)
Alternating-Current Electricity Metering
Product Details
This fifth edition of CSA Standard C17 (now CAN3-C17-M84), Alternating- Current Electricity Metering, supersedes previous editions published in 1975, 1960, 1937 and 1925.
Incorporated in this edition is an appendix consisting of certain sections of the Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada document “Specifications for Approval of Type of Electricity Meters, Instrument Transformers and Auxiliary Devices”. The Appendix contains those requirements which are mandatory under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act for meters and devices that are to be used for revenue billing. The CCAC document and this edition of the Standard were revised at the same time and coordinated.
The Appendix has been revised to include requirements for loss meters, pulse devices, programmable devices, and pulse recorders. Requirements for charts, clocks and timing devices, and thermal converters have been deleted.
This Standard was prepared by the CSA Committee on Electricity Meters under the jurisdiction of the Steering Committee for Electrical Engineering Standards. The CCAC document was prepared by CCAC with advice from the CSA Committee on Electricity Meters. The Standard was formally approved by the Committee on Electricity Meters and the Steering Committee for Electrical Engineering Standards. It has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada.
This Standard applies to the types of meters and associated devices normally used in the measurement of energy or power or both in the supply and distribution of electricity as a commodity.
This Standard does not provide details pertaining to meter mounting devices. For such information see CSA Standard C22.2 No. 115.
This Standard does not provide details pertaining to instrument transformers. For such information see CSA Standard CAN3-C13.
1.2 Mandatory Requirements
Meters and auxiliary devices that are to be used for billing purposes come within the purview of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act. Responsibility for the administration of this Act is vested in Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada.
Requirements for approval of meters to be used for revenue billing are contained in the document Specifications for Approval of Type of Electricity Meters, Instrument Transformers and Auxiliary Devices issued under the authority of the Director of Legal Metrology. Sections 1 to 13 of that document constitute an appendix to this Standard.