C22.2 NO. 116-1980 (R1992)
Coil-Lead Wires
Product Details
This is the fourth edition of No. 116 of a series of Standards issued by the Canadian Standards Association under Part 11 of the Canadian Electrical Code. It supersedes previous editions published in 1958, 1962 and 1972.
This Standard applies to insulated conductors intended for use as leads of transformers, motors, ballasts, solenoids, etc, where the baking temperature of the windings. coils, etc, ’to which they are attached will not exceed 150° C. except for the Type CL1250 series where the maximum baking temperature will not exceed 160° C. for Types CL1502 and CL1503 where the maximum baking temperature will not exceed 180° C, and for Types CL1501 and CL2001 wires where the maximum baking temperatures will not exceed 200°C.
Effective Date—September 30, 1987.