Steel Structures for Buildings
Product Details
This sixth edition of CSA Standard S16, Steel Structures for Buildings, supersedes previous editions published in 1924, 1930, 1940, 1954 and 1961.
The continued rapid advances in science and technology are reflected in the fact that the revision of the Standard at this time developed into a re-writing operation. Guided by the same considerations as previously, with regard to simplicity and conciseness, the committee has yet found it necessary to amplify some of the rules, in order to place at the disposal of designers the economies made possible by recent discoveries
in research.
There are design problems for which explicit rules will not be found in this Standard, these being such that a satisfactory treatment cannot be provided in the space available. Such, for example, are the problems relating to the bending of unsymmetrical section's. In such cases, recourse to the appropriate text-books is recommended.
In previous editions of this Standard, reference was made in the prefatory remarks to the advisability of having design work carried out or supervised by competent Professional Engineers. This recommendation must again be repeated. It must be pointed out that complete rules for every phase of design or fabrication could be provided only in a work of text-book proportions. It should also be obvious that mere possession of a specification or text-book does not confer on the user the ability to design structures of the types herein described. The work of the committee has proceeded on the assumption that the Standard will be used by those whose technical background will enable them to grasp its intent and avoid misunderstanding.
This new edition has been adopted by the Associate Committee on the National Building Code as Section 4.6 of the National Building Code.
This Standard was prepared by the Committee on Steel Structures for Buildings under the jurisdiction of the Sectional Committee on Structures and was approved by these Committees and the CSA Technical Council.
This Standard provides rules and requirements for the design, fabrication and erection of the structural steelwork used in the construction of buildings. As used herein the term structural steelwork refers to load carrying members and structural frames which consist wholly or in substantial part of structural steel shapes, plates, bars or tubes, and to the permanent fasteners and welds used in their fabrication and erection.