CSA R7007:18 (R2023)
Sustainability standard for household microwave oven appliances (Binational standard with AHAM 7007-2018 and UL 7007)
Product Details
This is the first edition of CSA R7007, the second edition of UL 7007, and the most recent version of AHAM 7007, Sustainability Standard for Microwave Oven Appliances.
This harmonized standard was prepared by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, (AHAM), CSA Group and Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL). The efforts and support of the Technical Harmonization Committee are gratefully acknowledged.
This standard was prepared by CSA Technical Committee on Sustainability of Household Appliances under the jurisdiction of CSA Strategic Steering Committee on Business Management and Sustainability and has been formally approved by the CSA Technical Committee.
The environmental performance of household microwave oven appliances is commonly evaluated on the single environmental attribute of electricity consumption during use. This Standard takes a multi-attribute, life cycle approach to measuring a broad spectrum of environmental and social impacts of household microwave oven appliances as a means of assessing sustainability performance. The multi-attribute approach was developed using representative product life cycle assessment (LCA) information along with other key factors such as hot-spot or hot-button analyses influencing product environmental performance. The attributes and criteria in this Standard are drawn from a much larger list and reflect the understanding of the attributes and criteria that are most prominent in sustainable performance and over which the manufacturers of these products have control. This approach, detailed in Annex A, determined the environmental attributes of household microwave oven appliances for inclusion in this Standard. The authors acknowledge that revisions to this standard will be considered periodically and that future editions may consider a broader range of sustainability criteria.
It has been contemplated by all parties that this Standard will be updated to reflect new U.S. Department of Energy or Natural Resources Canada minimum energy performance standards for household microwave oven appliances products. Many of the measurements included in this Standard are unique and have not been conducted on other appliance categories. The Standard’s committees expect to learn much from the application of this Second Edition in subsequent years. The use of this Standard and self-assessment by household microwave oven appliances manufacturers and external third-party assessment bodies will be used to improve the Standard in drafting the second and subsequent editions.
This Standard was written specifically for products placed on the market in the United States and Canada. At the present time, a number of the calculations are based on systems and designs of products in North America.
This Standard covers microwave oven appliances for households included within the scope of the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and Energy Efficiency Regulations in Canada, minimum energy performance requirements. This includes the following product category: electric microwave oven (see Clause 4 for a definition of electric microwave oven).
This Standard does not include directions for conformity assessment or the use of a mark/seal of conformity assessment.