CAN/CSA-Z316.6-14 (R2019)
Sharps injury protection - Requirements and test methods - Sharps containers (Adopted ISO 23907:2012, first edition, 2012-09-01, with Canadian deviations)
Product Details
Sharps containers play a pivotal role in preventing exposure to blood borne pathogens and potential infections; proper handling is critical to helping address infection protection and control. CSA Z316.6 outlines the requirements and test methods for sharps containers and sharps injury protection.
CSA Z316.6 addresses key considerations such as container stability, handle strength, aperture & closure, penetration & damage resistance and leakage prevention. Adopted from ISO 23907:2012, CSA Z316.6 has been updated to reflect Canadian health care needs regarding the disposal of potentially hazardous sharps medical waste and sharps protection features such as scalpel blades, trocars, hypodermic needles and syringes.
Highlights of Z316.6:
- Supersedes the previous 2007 edition of CSA Z316.6 titled Evaluation of single-use and reusable medical sharps containers for biohazardous and cytotoxic waste
- First time adoption of the newly published ISO 23907:2012 Sharps injury protection - Requirements and test methods - Sharps containers
CSA Preface
This is the fourth edition of CAN/CSA-Z316.6, Sharps injury protection - Requirements and test methods - Sharps containers, which is an adoption, with Canadian deviations, of the identically titled ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard 23907 (first edition, 2012- 09-01). This fourth edition of CAN/CSA-Z316.6 is its first as an adoption of an International Standard. It supersedes the previous edition, published in 2007 under the title Evaluation of single-use and reusable medical sharps containers for biohazardous and cytotoxic waste. For brevity, this Standard will be referred to as CAN/CSA-Z316.6 throughout.
This Standard was reviewed for Canadian adoption by the CSA Subcommittee on Sharps Containers, under the jurisdiction of the CSA Technical Committee on Medical Laboratory Quality Systems and the CSA Strategic Steering Committee on Health Care Technology & Systems, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee. This Standard has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada.
CSA Scope
[Replace the first paragraph with the following]
This Standard specifies requirements for single-use and reusable sharps containers intended to hold potentially hazardous sharps medical waste with or without sharps protection features, e.g., scalpel blades, trocars, hypodermic needles, and syringes.
[Replace the third paragraph with the following]
For supplementary requirements applicable to reusable sharps containers, see Annex BA. This Standard is not applicable to outer containers used in the transportation of filled single-use sharps containers.
ISO Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements for single-use sharps containers intended to hold potentially hazardous sharps medical waste with or without sharps protection features, e.g. scalpel blades, trocars, hypodermic needles and syringes.
It is applicable to sharps containers that are supplied complete by the manufacturer and to those that are supplied as components intended to be assembled by the user.
It is not applicable to reusable sharps containers or the outer containers used in the transportation of filled single-use sharps containers.