ANSI NGV 4.8-2012 (R2016)/CSA 12.8-2002 (R2016)
Natural gas vehicle fueling station reciprocating compressor guidelines
Product Details
The ultimate purpose for this document is that it constitute the performance standard for North America regarding fueling station reciprocating compressors applicable to dispensing natural gas to vehicles. Major funding in support of the consensus process for this Standard was provided by the Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition (NGVC), whose assistance is acknowledged with thanks.
This Standard describes the general requirements for compressor packages containing reciprocating compressors used in compressed natural gas fueling station service.
This Standard applies to compressor designs referenced in Part 2 (Compressor). Coverage for other compressor designs can be provided at an appropriate time.
All references to psi throughout this document are to be considered gauge pressures unless otherwise specified.
If a value for measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated value is to be regarded as the specification. For Canadian applications see Exhibit B, Items Unique to Canada.
Note: Hazardous situations can occur if S.I. fasteners are used with those which are not, which is mechanically feasible. S.I. elements can not be safely used with anything other than S.I.
Use of the word Shall
Where the word shall is used in this document it indicated a requirement (unless approved otherwise by the authority having jurisdiction); should indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not mandatory; and may indicates an advisory or optional statement.
Use of Notes
Notes accompanying clauses do not include mandatory or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material that is not properly a part of the Standard. Notes to figures and tables are considered part of the figure or table and may be written as mandatory requirements; legends to figures are also considered part of the requirements of the figure.