CSA C22.4:09 PACKAGE (R2023)
Consists of CSA C22.4 NO. 1:09, Objective-based industrial electrical code and CSA C22.4 NO. 2:09, Objective-based industrial electrical code - Safety management system requirements
Product Details
CSA C22.4 No. 1:09 - Objective-based industrial electrical code
This is the first edition of CSA C22.4 No. 1, Objective-based industrial electrical code.
Permission to use extracts from IEC 60364-1:2005 was provided by Standards Council of Canada, in co-operation with IHS Canada. No further reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from Standards Council of Canada.
This Code was prepared by the Subcommittee on the Objective-Based Industrial Electrical Code — Technical Content, under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee on the Objective-Based Industrial Electrical Code and the Strategic Steering Committee on Requirements for Electrical Safety, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee.
This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group.
This Code is intended for use by an authorized user in conjunction with the implementation of a safety management system developed in accordance with CSA C22.4 No. 2, Objective-based industrial electrical code - Safety management system requirements, and as detailed in the authorized user's OBIEC safety management manual. This Code provides references to applicable industry-recognized standards, codes, and recommended practices. This Code is intended to apply only to industrial facilities.
This Code is not intended to permit the use or modification of electrical equipment in a manner outside either the application for which the equipment was certified or the written instructions provided by the manufacturer.
This Code specifies objectives to provide for the safety of persons, livestock, and property against dangers and damage that can arise from the use of electrical installations and to provide for the proper functioning of those installations. In addition, this Code sets objectives for the protection of property against damage, if the damage can lead to unsafe events or conditions for persons and livestock.
This Code specifies safety objectives for the following criteria in relation to electrical systems operating or intended to operate at all voltages in electrical installations within industrial facilities:
(a) design;
(b) selection of electrical equipment;
(c) erection and verification; and
(d) operation and maintenance.
This Code specifies technical provisions to address the safety objectives. The technical references in this Code are not exclusive and do not necessarily represent all acceptable solutions that might be considered to have a bearing on the objectives of this Code.
This Code and any standards referenced herein do not make or imply any assurance or guarantee with respect to the life expectancy, durability, or operating performance of the equipment and material referenced herein.
In CSA Standards, Shall is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the authorized user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the standard; should is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; may is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the standard; and can is used to express possibility or capability.
Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material.
Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements.
Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.
C22.4 No. 2:09 - Objective-based industrial electrical code - Safety management system requirements
This is the first edition of CSA C22.4 No. 2, Objective-based industrial electrical code - Safety management system requirements.
This Standard specifies requirements for a safety management system (SMS) where an organization (a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently produce electrical installations that, as a minimum, meet the fundamental principles of electrical installation safety as described in CSA C22.4 No. 1, Objective-based industrial electrical code (OBIEC); and
(b) commits to safe electrical installations for its facilities through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to the OBIEC and applicable regulatory requirements.
The requirements of this Standard are intended to be incorporated into a safety management system for the administration of the OBIEC, taking into consideration such factors as location of operations and the conditions under which those operations take place.
This Standard was prepared by the Subcommittee on Safety Management Systems, under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee on the Objective-Based Industrial Electric Code and the Strategic Steering Committee on Requirements for Electrical Safety, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee.
This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group.
This Standard is intended to be used by an organization to develop an objective-based industrial electrical code (OBIEC) safety management system, as described in an OBIEC safety management manual acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), in conjunction with CSA C22.4 No. 1.
This Standard specifies requirements for developing and maintaining a safety management system (SMS) for the administration of the OBIEC.
This Standard covers specific processes and activities, related to the development of an SMS, for the following:
(a) design;
(b) selection of equipment;
(c) erection and verification; and
(d) operation and maintenance.
This Standard is intended for an authorized user who wants to
(a) establish an SMS to minimize safety risks associated with electrical installations, such as electrical shock and property damage due to fire;
(b) demonstrate the ability to consistently produce electrical installations that, at a minimum, meet the fundamental principles of electrical installation safety as specified in the OBIEC;
(c) implement, maintain, and continually improve the effectiveness of the SMS;
(d) demonstrate conformance to stated SMS policies; and
(e) seek SMS certification/registration with an external organization.
This Standard is not intended to replace, reduce, or conflict with the occupational health and safety requirements of the AHJ.
In CSA Standards, shall is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the standard; should is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; may is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the standard; and can is used to express possibility or capability.
Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material.
Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements.
Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.