C22.2 NO. 66.2-06 (R2020)
Low Voltage Transformers - Part 2: General Purpose Transformers (Bi-National standard, with UL 5085-2)
Product Details
This is the common CSA and UL standard for low voltage transformers. It is the first edition of CSA C22.2 No. 66.2 and the first edition of UL 5085-2. This edition of CSA C22.2 No. 66.2 supersedes the requirements of CSA C22.2 No. 66 published in 1988. This edition of UL 5085-2 supersedes the Twelfth edition of UL 506 published in 2000.
As noted in Low Voltage Transformers - Part 1: General Requirements, UL 5085-1, or CSA C22.2 No. 66.1, Low Voltage Transformers - Part 1: General Requirements, the requirements of Part 2 cover:
a) Air-cooled transformers and reactors for general use;
b) Autotransformers;
c) Ferroresonant transformers;
d) Cord-connected transformers; and
e) Transformers incorporating overcurrent or over-temperature protective devices, transient voltage surge protectors, or capacitors.
These requirements do not cover Class 2 and Class 3 transformers (which are evaluated in Part 3).
Part 2 is intended to be used in conjunction with Part 1. The numbering of the clauses in Part 2 corresponds to the numbered clauses in Part 1. The requirements in Part 1 apply unless modified by Part 2.
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