Supplement #2 to O80 Series-97, Wood Preservation
Product Details
O80 Series-97, Wood Preservation
O80.0 - Wood Preservation
This Standard sets forth requirements for materials, analysis of materials, and operational practices for pressure and thermal impregnation for the chemical preservation of wood.
The recommendations made in this Standard are based solely on the efficacy of the preservative in any specific application. As preservatives and their uses are regulated by government authorities, it is the responsibility of each user to ensure that the particular end use is not in conflict with current laws and regulations.
O80.1 - Preservative Treatment of all Timber Products by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of all timber products by pressure processes.
O80.2 - Preservative Treatment of Lumber, Timber, Bridge Ties, and Mine Ties by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of Coast Douglas Fir, True Fir (Abies spp.), Western and Eastern Hemlock, Western Larch, Jack Pine, Red Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Eastern White Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Western White Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, Spruce, Birch, Maple, Oak, and Beech lumber, timber, bridge ties, and mine ties.
O80.3 - Preservative Treatment of Piles by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment by pressure processes of (a)land, fresh water, and foundation piles of the f ollowing species: Coast Douglas Fir, Western Larch, Interior Douglas Fir, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Red Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, and Oak; and (b)marine piles of the following species: Coast Douglas Fir, Jack Pine, Red Pine, and Southern Yellow Pine.
O80.4 - Preservative Treatment of Poles by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of Coast Douglas Fir, Western Larch, Interior Douglas Fir, Jack Pine, White Pine, Red Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, Western Red Cedar, Alaska Yellow Cedar, White Spruce, Red Spruce, and Western Hemlock poles.
O80.5 - Preservative Treatment of Posts by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of round, half-round, and quarter-round posts* for fence or highway use. It does not cover the preservative treatment of posts sawn four sides. Sawn posts are treated under CSA Standard O80.2. Posts, in contrast with poles, cover lengths shorter than 4.5 m.
This Standard covers the following species: Douglas Fir*, Western Hemlock*, Western Larch*, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Red Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Spruce, Poplar, Red Alder, and Southern Yellow Pine. *Round posts only.
O80.6 - Preservative Treatment of Crossties and Switch Ties by Pressure Processes
This Standard applies to the preservative treatment of crossties and switch ties by pressure processes. It covers the following species: Coast Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Western Larch, Interior Douglas Fir, Jack Pine, Red Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Birch, Maple, Oak, Beech, Ash, and Southern Yellow Pine.
O80.7 - Preservative Treatment of Western Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar, and Alaskan Yellow Cedar Incised Pole Butts by the Thermal Process
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of Western Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar, and Alaska Yellow Cedar incised pole butts by the thermal process.
O80.8 - Preservative Treatment of Western Red Cedar and Alaskan White Cedar Poles by the Full Length Thermal Process
This Standard covers the treatment of Western Red Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Poles by the full length thermal process.
O80.9 - Preservative Treatment of Plywood by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of plywood by pressure processes.
O80.10 - Preservative Treatment of Lodgepole Pine Poles by the Full Length Thermal Process
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of Lodgepole Pine poles by the full length thermal process.
O80.11 - Preservative Treatment of Wood Blocks for Floors and Platforms by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of Douglas Fir, Red Pine, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Oak, and Southern Yellow Pine blocks for floors and platforms by pressure processes.
O80.14 - Pressure Preserved Wood for Highway Construction
This Standard covers the pressure treatment of wood for highway construction. It applies to lumber used in bridges, cribbing and culverts, piles, fences, guardrails, guide posts, sign posts and sight posts, handrails, and lighting poles.
O80.15 - Preservative Treatment of Wood for Building Foundation Systems, Basements, and Crawl Spaces by Pressure Processes
Standard covers the preservative treatment, by pressure processes, of Douglas Fir Plywood and Canadian Softwood Plywood (excluding Balsam Poplar and Trembling Aspen), and the following species of lumber: Coast Douglas Fir, True Fir (Abies spp.), Western Hemlock, Eastern Hemlock, Jack Pine, Red Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, Lodgepole Pine, and White Pine.
O80.16 - Preservative Treatment of Pole Building Construction and Wood Used on Farms by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of pole building construction and wood used on farms by pressure processes.
The recommendations made in this Standard are based solely on the efficacy of the preservative in any specific application. As preservatives and their uses are regulated by government authorities, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the particular end use is not in conflict with current laws and regulations.
O80.18 - Pressure-Treated Piles and Timbers in Marine Construction
This Standard covers the pressure treatment of piles and timbers for marine construction. It covers round timber piles; timber substructures exposed to tides, running water, or wave action; timber substructures out of water but subject to salt water splash; and timber superstructures.
O80.20 - Fire-Retardant Treatment of Lumber by Pressure Processes
This Standard applies to the fire-retardant treatment of lumber by pressure processes.
O80.25 - Preservative Treatment of Sawn Crossarms by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of Douglas Fir, Western Larch, Western Hemlock, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Yellow Cypress, and Southern Yellow Pine sawn crossarms by pressure processes.
O80.26 - Preservative Treatment of Crossarms by Non-Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Western Larch, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine, and Yellow Cypress crossarms by non-pressure processes.
O80.27 - Fire-Retardant Treatment of Plywood by Pressure Processes
This Standard covers the fire-retardant treatment of Douglas Fir, hardwood, softwood, and Poplar plywood by pressure processes.
O80.28 - Preservative Treatment of Coast Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock Structural Glued-Laminated Members and Laminations Before Gluing, by Pressure Processes.
This Standard sets forth specific requirements for the treatment of glued-laminated members and laminations to be treated prior to gluing. It covers Coast Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock.
O80.29 - Pressure Treatment of Lumber for Use in Harvesting, Storage, and Transportation of Foodstuffs for Human Consumption
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of lumber to be used in areas where food is harvested, stored, and transported.
The scope of the treatment includes the interior areas of refrigerator and box cars, food processing plants and warehouses, greenhouses and milkhouses, fruit, vegetable, and grain storage and harvesting containers which require a low human toxicity fungicide.
This Standard covers aboveground use only. Note: The recommendations made in this Standard are based solely on the efficacy of the preservative in any specific application. As preservatives and their uses are regulated by government authorities, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the particular end use is not in conflict with current laws and regulations.
O80.32 - Preservative Treatment of Decking Lumber with Waterborne Preservatives by Pressure Processes.
This Standard covers the preservative treatment of decking lumber, less than 50 mm in thickness, produced from Coast Douglas Fir, True Firs (Abies spp.), Western Hemlock, Jack Pine, Red Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Eastern White Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Western White Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, and Spruces (Picea spp.). Note: The penetration requirement specified herein is based upon laboratory and preliminary field data. Until additional field data are available, it is intended that the material treated to the requirements of this decking lumber Standard be for use in residential aboveground decking applications.
O80.34 - Pressure Preservative Treatment of Lumber and Timbers with Borates for Use Out of Ground Contact and Continuously Protected from Liquid Water.
This Standard covers the pressure preservative treatment of lumber and timbers of Amabilis Fir, Western Hemlock, and Southern Yellow Pine with borate preservatives for use out of ground contact and continuously protected from liquid water.
O80.201 - Standard for Hydrocarbon Solvents for Preservatives.<(><<)>H> <(><<)>/>
This Standard covers hydrocarbon solvents for preparing solutions of preservatives.
O80.202 - Standard for Creosote for Brush Treatment for Field Cuts
This Standard covers the composition of creosote wood preservative intended for use as a brush treatment for field cuts.
O80.203 - Preservative Treatment with Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate (ACZA)
This Standard covers the preparation of ACZA preservatives and preservative treatment requirements for their use.
O80.204 - Preservative Treatment with Chromated Copper Arsenate-Polyethylene Glycol (CCA-PEG)
This Standard covers the preparation of Chromated Copper Arsenate-Polyethylene Glycol (CCA-PEG) preservative and preservative treatment requirements for its use.
O80.205 - Preservative Treatment with Chromated Copper Arsenate-Oil Emulsion System (CCA-Oil)
This Standard covers the preparation and preservative treatment requirements for Chromated Copper Arsenate-Oil Emulsion System (CCA-Oil) preservative. System (CCA-Oil)
O80.206 - Preservative Treatment with Chromated Copper Arsenate-Water Repellent (CCA-WR) Preservative
This Standard covers the preparation of chromated copper arsenate with water repellent (CCA-WR) preservative and its use for preservative treatment.