B140.12-03 (R2018)
Oil-Burning Equipment: Service Water Heaters for Domestic Hot Water, Space Heating, and Swimming Pools
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This is the fourth edition of CSA B140.12, Oil-Burning Equipment: Service Water Heaters for Domestic Hot Water, Space Heating, and Swimming Pools. It supersedes the third edition, published in 1976 under the title Oil-Fired Service Water Heaters and Swimming Pool Heaters, and the first two editions, published in 1972 and 1966 under the title Oil-Fired Service Water Heaters.
A number of changes have been incorporated into the new edition:
(a) the referenced standards have been updated (Clause 2.1);
(b) construction requirements are provided for determining when a water heater needs to meet CSA B51 (Clause 4.1);
(c) glass-lined tanks are now evaluated in accordance with CAN/CSA-C309 (Clause 4.1.4);
(d) the requirement for metal combustion chambers has been clarified (Clause 4.12);
(e) the optional use of an additional temperature-control device has been added (Clause 4.15.5);
(f) marking requirements have been amended to include the use of service water heaters for combination heating and domestic hot water supply (Clause 6.2);
(g) a jacket temperature test has been added to the abnormal tests (Clause 8.7);
(h) the minimum thermal operating efficiency test has been added for swimming pool water heaters (Clause 10.9);
(i) this Standard has been converted to SI (metric) units with yard/pound (imperial) units or US Customary Measurements shown for information only; and
(j) for domestic water heaters, the use of a water-tempering valve is recommended in Clauses 4.15.5 and 6.2(r), and a new requirement for warning labels in Clause 5.1.2 has also been added to help prevent scalding injuries.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Oil-Burning Appliance Standards, under the jurisdiction of the Strategic Steering Committee on Fire Safety and Fuel Burning Equipment, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee.
This Standard applies to complete flue-connected, oil-fired service water heaters that are provided with automatic control devices. These service water heaters may be used both for heating and for supplying of domestic hot water. They are not to be used as sole source heating appliances.
The requirements in this Standard apply to service water heaters to be operated at pressures not exceeding 1035 kPa (150 psi) and water temperatures not exceeding 99 EC (210EF).
Requirements for heaters for heating swimming pool water are included in Clause 10.
The requirements in this Standard apply to the oil-burning equipment, and appurtenances thereto, included in the assembly of the water heater.
The values given in SI (metric) units are the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.