CSA ISO/IEC 10164-14:01 (R2019)
Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Confidence and Diagnostic Test Categories (Adopted ISO/IEC 10164-14:1996, first edition, 1996-12-15)
Product Details
This Recommendation | International Standard defines a Systems Management Function that may be used by an application process in a centralised or decentralised management environment to interact for the purpose of systems management, as defined by CCITT Rec. X.700 | ISO/IEC 7498-4. This Recommendation | International Standard defines a function which consists of generic definitions, services and functional units. This function is positioned in the application layer of ITU-T Rec. X.200 | ISO/IEC 7498-1 and is defined according to the model provided by ITU-T Rec. X.207 | ISO/IEC 9545. The role of systems management functions is described by CCITT Rec. X.701 | ISO/IEC 10040.
This Recommendation | International Standard:
- establishes user requirements for this Recommendation | International Standard;
- specifies Confidence and diagnostic test categories that relate generic definitions provided by this Recommendation | International Standard to user requirements;
- defines managed objects, packages, attribute types, operation types, and parameters documented in accordance with CCITT Rec. X.722 | ISO/IEC 10165-4;
- specifies compliance requirements placed on other Recommendations | Standards that make use of the Generic Definitions of this Recommendation | International Standard.
This Recommendation | International Standard does not:
- define the nature of any implementation intended to provide Confidence and diagnostic tests;
- specify the manner in which management is accomplished by the user of Confidence and diagnostic tests;
- define the nature of any interactions which result in the use of Confidence and diagnostic tests;
- specify the services necessary for the establishment, normal and abnormal release of a management association.
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