Codes & Standards - Purchase
C22.2 NO. 229-M1988 (R2014)
Switching and Metering Centres
SKU: 2414099
Published by CSA Group
Publication Year 1988
Reaffirmed in 2014
38 pages
Product Details
This Standard applies to switching and metering centres (hereafter may be referred to for convenience as metering centres or centres) rated 600 V and less, intended to be used in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, in nonhazardous locations, to provide switching, overcurrent protection and metering for a number of circuits supplied from a consumer service. The centres may also include the service compartment.
This Standard applies to centres that have the individual circuit overcurrent devices connected on the supply side of the meter-mounting devices.
A centre as covered by this Standard consists of individual metering sections containing meter-mounting devices and circuit breakers or fusible switches or having provision for mounting such circuit breakers or fusible switches, and the following components, which may be either factory or field assembled to each other:
(a) mains terminal section (connection box) or main switch or main circuit breaker section;
(b) elbow assemblies;
(c) subfeed terminal sections; and
(d) main busbars or linkages, or both.