Quality Assurance for Construction Sheathing (Preliminary standard)
Product Details
This Standard sets out minimum requirements for assuring that Construction Sheathing products conform to the requirements of CSA Standard O325.0-M.
This Standard assumes that a Mill Specification as required in CSA Standard 0325.0 has been written for each product and requires the manufacturer to establish a quality control manual for his product(s).
This Standard requires that a Certification Organization confirm a product's qualification according to CSA Standard O325.0, establish Control Values for quality control, monitor the manufacturer's quality control, and periodically check product quality.
Note: This Standard is intended to provide a manufacturer of Construction Sheathing, and his Certification Organization with a minimum mandatory framework within which their separate responsibilities and the authority necessary for the Certification Organ ization can be exercised.
This Standard sets out a minimum frequency for Certification Organization inspections and sampling, and minimum require ments for Certification Organization Testing.
This Standard does not limit the addition of quality control, process control, inspection, testing, or other quality assurance measures might be agreed that between a manufacturer and his Certification Organization.
Nothing contained in this Standard is intended to transfer any responsibility for the quality of Construction Sheathing
products or the marking of such products from the manufacturer to any other organization.
Note: The purpose of this Standard is to assure product quality by requiring mills to implement on-going procedures that are based on the early detection of changes in panel properties that may adversely affect panel performance. The criteria to which panels are manufactured and tested will be listed in the Mill Specification.