CSA Z243.41:80 (R2023)
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Paper (Adopted ANSI X3.62-1979 with modifications)
Product Details
This is the first edition of CSA Standard Z243.41, OCR Paper, and is a revision and expansion of the Guidelines for OCR Paper Requirements contained in Appendix E of CSA Standards Z243.22-1975, Style A Character Set for Optical Character Recognition; and Z243.24-1975, Style B Character Set for Optical Character Recognition.
ANSI Standard X3.62-1979, OCR Paper, was reviewed and adopted with the modifications listed. However, the document should be considered an interim and transitional Standard, using Imperial measure, and further modification may be expected.
CSA Standard Z243.41-1980, OCR Paper, was prepared by the CSA Technical committee on Character Recognition under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Computers, Information Processing and Office Machines and was formally approved by these Committees.
Purpose, Scope and Application
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to establish the requirements and test procedures for paper to be used in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Systems.
1.2 Scope
This standard contains basic definitions, measurement requirements, specifications, and recommendations for papers used with optical character recognition readers.
Two types of parameters of paper for OCR media are covered.
These are:
(1) The optical properties of paper for OCR usage;
(2) The physical properties of paper for OCR usage.
In addition, OCR papers are classified into three categories (Types I, II, and III) according to allowable dirt and fluorescent content.
1.3 Application
Because of the widely divergent nature of OCR applications, this standard may not include all of the necessary or prudent specifications or considerations for a successful OCR system. The values in this standard are chosen on the basis that they are reasonably obtainable. Although each parameter is independently specified, a deterioration in reader performance may occur if the limits of one or more parameters are approached simultaneously. Where new OCR equipment or a new paper is involved, consultation between users, suppliers, and manufacturers is recommended.