Codes & Standards - Purchase
CAN/CGA-B105-M93 (R2007)
Code for Digester Gas and Landfill Gas Installations
SKU: 2411318
Published by CSA Group
Publication Year 1993
Reaffirmed in 2007
115 pages
Product Details
1.1 General
1.1.1 This Code applies to the installation of systems for the production, handling, storage, and utilization of digester gas in newly-constructed wastewater treatment plants, as well as additions to, and the upgrading of, existing systems.
1.1.2 This Code applies to the installation of systems for the production, handling, and utilization of landfill gas in newly- constructed landfill gas systems, as well as additions to, and the upgrading of, existing systems.
1.1.3 This Code applies to the safety aspects of the operation and maintenance for handling, storage, and utilization of digester gas in wastewater treatment plants, and landfill gas at landf ill sites.
1.1.4 This Code applies to existing digester gas and landfill gas systems where, in the opinion of the authority having jurisdiction, a hazard or potential hazard exists.
1.1.5 Where the word shall is used in this Code, this indicates a requirement.
1.1.6 Within the scope of Clauses 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 there may be provisions not covered in this Code, in which case the applicable provisions of the authority having jurisdiction shall apply.
1.1 General
1.1.1 This Code applies to the installation of systems for the production, handling, storage, and utilization of digester gas in newly-constructed wastewater treatment plants, as well as additions to, and the upgrading of, existing systems.
1.1.2 This Code applies to the installation of systems for the production, handling, and utilization of landfill gas in newly- constructed landfill gas systems, as well as additions to, and the upgrading of, existing systems.
1.1.3 This Code applies to the safety aspects of the operation and maintenance for handling, storage, and utilization of digester gas in wastewater treatment plants, and landfill gas at landf ill sites.
1.1.4 This Code applies to existing digester gas and landfill gas systems where, in the opinion of the authority having jurisdiction, a hazard or potential hazard exists.
1.1.5 Where the word shall is used in this Code, this indicates a requirement.
1.1.6 Within the scope of Clauses 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 there may be provisions not covered in this Code, in which case the applicable provisions of the authority having jurisdiction shall apply.