
Article Archive

Leveraging the Bioeconomy Opportunity

Recent technological advances have enabled scientists to use renewable materials (e.g., plants, trees, waste) to create energy, materials, and products, disrupting current modes of consumption and production that rely on fossil fuels.

The Role of Standards in Shaping Effective Public Policy

This paper explores how one underleveraged tool in the policymakers’ toolkit can offer a means of addressing many of the complexities posed by today’s environment, while delivering on the promises of quicker, evidence-based, and consensus-driven solutions.

Tackling Canada's Time Tax

A “time tax” is paperwork or an administrative burden that people encounter when accessing government services.

Canada’s Black Box of Higher Education Outcomes

There are nearly two million students enrolled in Canadian universities and colleges at any given time. Higher education is a large sector, with public institutions’ revenues totalling $60 billion annually.

A Path Forward: Advancing Disability Inclusion in Canada

Most people will experience disability at some point in their life. This includes the 22% of Canadians who reported living with a disability in the latest Canadian Survey on Disability in 2017 (more recent analysis suggests the number is over 30%),

A key component of Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy will be the decarbonization of the transportation sector. This shift requires a reimagining of passenger, public transit, and commercial vehicles, and an entirely new system of public and private infrastructure to support refuelling these vehicles with alternative fuels like electricity.