
CSA Group Kicks off new Public Safety Campaign with First of Five “Don’t Go Viral” Safety Videos

CSA Group, a leading global standards development, testing and certification organization that is dedicated to public safety, today unveiled the first in a series of videos in its new North American  “Don’t Go Viral” public safety campaign.

“Helping people stay safe is at the heart of what we do at CSA Group, and for the first time we are using visual comedy to get our public safety messages across,” said Anthony Toderian, Manager, Digital Communications, CSA Group. “The information and advice in our new videos is very serious but we’re underlining it with humour in order to get people to take notice. We recognize this is a bit daring but encouraging safe behaviours to avoid accidents is critical work.”

The concept behind the new videos relates to the idea that people record accidents, upload them, and share them with their friends in the belief that the situations these people find themselves in are funny. CSA Group’s message is that you don’t want this to happen to you: “Don’t Go Viral.” The videos use humour to engage the viewer but are followed by important tips to help people avoid accidents and drive home the message that safety is no laughing matter.

This campaign is an extension of CSA Group’s ongoing public safety work that includes tips and information issued on a seasonal basis to help raise awareness of the dangers related to the misuse of consumer products. CSA Group works closely with emergency services and associations to highlight risks associated with shock, fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, slips and falls, and related injuries and fatalities.

“The approach to safety using humour is new to CSA Group and it was important throughout the process that we were careful not to diminish the risk of serious injuries or death,” says Toderian. “We believe viewers will be quick to recognize the situations in the videos are over-the-top and unrealistic but the underlying message is extremely important.”

The first video, which focuses on summer safety, is available online in English and French in the Consumers Section of the CSA Group website. It will be followed throughout the year by other “Don’t Go Viral” videos related to topics including avoiding counterfeit products, back to school safety for college and university students, carbon monoxide dangers, and holiday safety.

About CSA Group

CSA Group is an independent, not-for-profit member-based association dedicated to advancing safety, sustainability and social good. We are an internationally-accredited standards development and testing & certification organization. We also provide consumer product evaluation and education & training services. Our broad range of knowledge and expertise includes: industrial equipment, plumbing & construction, electro-medical & healthcare, appliances & gas, alternative energy, lighting and sustainability. The CSA mark appears on billions of products around the world.


Allison Hawkins
Manager, Corporate Affairs
CSA Group
[email protected]


July 3, 2014