
CSA Group Alerts Consumers and Manufacturers of Decorative Lighting products that Equipment Wiring Manufactured by Haiyan Renhe Electronics Co Ltd. Does Not Meet Canadian Standards

CSA Group, a leading global provider of product testing and certification services and standards development, is notifying consumers, regulators, retailers and manufacturers that equipment wiring made by Haiyan Renhe Electronics Co. Ltd. may pose a risk of fire or shock hazard.

CSA Group conducted an independent investigation and determined that equipment wiring type TXF and TXFW made by Haiyan Renhe Electronics does not meet CSA standards and is a misuse of the CSA mark. This wiring is printed with CSA file “246431”.   It was used in decorative lighting products made by Zhejiang Kaifu Lamp Co. Ltd which were subject to recall by Health Canada.  This wiring may have also been used by other manufacturers of decorative light strings.

Consumers are encouraged to check the Recall and Safety Alerts Database on the Healthy Canadians website for product recall alerts issued by Health Canada and follow the directions for all products under a recall notice.

CSA Group takes the misuse of its marks very seriously and has cancelled the certification for Haiyan Renhe Electronics Co. Ltd. and removed their certification records from the Certified Product Listings on CSA Group’s website: www.csagroup.org.

Anyone with a safety concern about a CSA Group certified product is urged to send the details to: [email protected].

About CSA Group

CSA Group is an independent, not-for-profit member-based association dedicated to advancing safety, sustainability and social good. We are an internationally-accredited standards development and testing & certification organization. We also provide consumer product evaluation and education & training services. Our broad range of knowledge and expertise includes: industrial equipment, plumbing & construction, electro-medical & healthcare, appliances & gas, alternative energy, lighting and sustainability. The CSA mark appears on billions of products around the world.


Allison Hawkins
Manager, Corporate Affairs
CSA Group
[email protected]


February 1, 2016