
CSA Group's Online Store Now Offers ISO and IEC Standards

CSA Group today announces that it has signed an agreement with the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) allowing online distribution of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards. In doing so, CSA Group affords Canadian manufacturers and technical, electrical and electronic engineers a convenient new channel to access critical standards online at shop.csa.ca

“By providing access to these ISO and IEC documents online, CSA Group is demonstrating its ongoing commitment and support of international standards development activities,” said Bonnie Rose, President, Standards, CSA Group. “We believe Canadian engineers, manufacturers and other industry professionals will benefit greatly from additional online access to these international publications.”

Providing additional access to these international standards further demonstrates CSA Group’s efforts in encouraging harmonization with CSA standards and wider acceptance and adoption of international standards.

“CSA Group is a leading standards development organization that is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada,” said SCC’s Chief Executive Officer, John Walter. “Our relationship will enable efficient distribution of ISO and IEC standards. These standards are integral to promoting the safe development and use of technologies critical to our country’s competitive edge and social well-being.” SCC will continue to evaluate opportunities with standards development organizations and distribution channels to ensure that such standards are widely available in Canada.

About CSA Group

CSA Group is an independent, not-for-profit member-based association dedicated to advancing safety, sustainability and social good. We are an internationally-accredited standards development and testing & certification organization. We also provide consumer product evaluation and education & training services. Our broad range of knowledge and expertise includes: industrial equipment, plumbing & construction, electro-medical & healthcare, appliances & gas, alternative energy, lighting and sustainability. The CSA mark appears on billions of products around the world.


Anthony Toderian
Manager, Corporate Affairs
CSA Group
[email protected]


November 6, 2013