ISO/TR 6029-1:2024
Intelligent transport systems — Seamless positioning for multimodal transportation in ITS stations — Part 1: General information and use case definition
détails du produit
The main purpose of this document is to describe the overall concept model, which specifies:
— the concept model and actors for each domain;
— the relationship of actors under the material domain;
— the message sequence diagrams for each domain; and
— the data transmission list for each actor to provide a seamless indoor and outdoor positioning system through sensor data fusion.
In addition, this document provides:
— basic principles used in its drafting; and
— a gap analysis, consisting of a formal study of:
— the status of seamless positioning technology and implementations,
— how seamless positioning technology intends to evolve, and
— how to close the gap between current and future technology and implementations.
— This document compares desired and actual outcomes and pinpoints opportunities for improvement.