IEC 60670-21:2024 EXV
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 21: Particular requirements for boxes and enclosures with provision for suspension means
détails du produit
IEC 60670-21:2024 applies to boxes, enclosures and parts of enclosures (hereafter called boxes and enclosures) for electrical accessories with a rated voltage not exceeding 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC intended for household or similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. Boxes and enclosures complying with this document are suitable for use at ambient temperatures not normally exceeding +40 °C, but their average over a period of 24 h does not exceed +35 °C, with a lower limit of the ambient air temperature of â5 °C. Other temperatures outside the above range can apply according to the classification of the boxes and the enclosures. This document applies to boxes and enclosures for ceiling and wall mounting with provision for suspension means. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2004 and Amendment 1:2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Complete revision of the tests and requirements of the suspension means.