CAN/CSA-O325.1-88 (R2003)
Test Methods for Construction Sheathing
détails du produit
This Standard provides sample preparation, measurement, and test procedures for the determination of compliance of Construction Sheathing panels with the requirements of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-O325.0 and for assessing other characteristics of pan els.
The units, test method, size of specimens, number of specimens per panel, and the conditioning requirements are summarized for each property in Table 1.
CSA Standard CAN/CSA-O325.0 lists the tests and the number of panels to be tested for qualification and for establishing Control Values for each Product of a mill. For convenience Table A1 in Appendix A summarizes these CAN/CSA-O325.O req uirements.
This Standard does not provide test methods for the assessment of end use performance in special circumstances, such as resistance to fire, or for the determination of engineering properties.
Note: Some test methods for panel products that have been or may
be used for determining engineering properties are identified in
Appendix B.
SI units are the standard. The values in parentheses are for information only.