CAN/CSA-O325.1S1-92 (R2003)
Supplement No. 1-92 to CAN/CSA-O325.1-88, Test Methods for Construction Sheathing
détails du produit
Supplement No. 1 to CAN/CSA-O325.1-88, Test Methods for Construction Sheathing, includes two new test methods, and two new conditioning procedures. Tables 1 and A1 are also amended to incorporate the new tests.
The test procedures in Supplement No. 1 were developed c oncurrently with provisions included in the 1992 edition of CAN/CSA-O325.0, Construction Sheathing, which provide means of assessing the acceptability of products containing larger veneer defect sizes.
This Supplement was prepared by the Technical Committee on Performance of Sheathing Products under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Forest Products and was formally approved by these Committees.
September 1992