Codes et normes - Achat
CAN/CSA-ISO/CEI 8823-1-F97 (C2015)
Technologies de l'information - Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts (OSI) - Protocole de présentation en mode connexion: Spécification du protocole (norme ISO/CEI 8823-1:1994 adoptée)
SKU: 2411072
Publié par CSA Group
Année de publication 1997
Confirmé(e) en 2015
61 pages
détails du produit
Application domain
This ITU-T Recommendation | International Standard specifies:
(a) procedures for the transfer of data and control information from a presentation entity to its counterpart;
(b) the means for selecting, using functional units, the procedures to be used by the presentation entities;
(c) the structure and coding of presentation protocol data units used for the transfer of data and control information.
The procedures are defined in terms of:
(d) interactions between peer presentation entities, by exchanging presentation protocol data units;
(e) interactions between a presentation entity and the user of the presentation service of the same system by presentation primitive exchange;
(f) interactions between a presentation entity and the session service provider, by exchanging session service primitives.
These procedures are defined in the main text of this ITU-T Recommendation | International Standard, supplemented by status tables in Annex A.
These procedures are applicable to instances of communication between systems that use the presentation layer of the OSI reference model and wish to interconnect in an OSI environment.
This ITU-T Recommendation | International Standard also specifies the conformity criteria for systems implementing these procedures; but it does not specify tests that can be used to prove compliance.
This ITU-T Recommendation | International Standard specifies:
(a) procedures for the transfer of data and control information from a presentation entity to its counterpart;
(b) the means for selecting, using functional units, the procedures to be used by the presentation entities;
(c) the structure and coding of presentation protocol data units used for the transfer of data and control information.
The procedures are defined in terms of:
(d) interactions between peer presentation entities, by exchanging presentation protocol data units;
(e) interactions between a presentation entity and the user of the presentation service of the same system by presentation primitive exchange;
(f) interactions between a presentation entity and the session service provider, by exchanging session service primitives.
These procedures are defined in the main text of this ITU-T Recommendation | International Standard, supplemented by status tables in Annex A.
These procedures are applicable to instances of communication between systems that use the presentation layer of the OSI reference model and wish to interconnect in an OSI environment.
This ITU-T Recommendation | International Standard also specifies the conformity criteria for systems implementing these procedures; but it does not specify tests that can be used to prove compliance.