
Recall Re-Announcement: Bauer Hockey Corp. recalls Goal Masks and Cages


Re-Announcement of March 31, 2015 recall

This recall involves the following goal masks and cages:

  • Bauer Concept C1 Goal Mask with Certified Titanium Oval Wire
  • Bauer NME 10 Goal Mask with Certified Titanium Oval Wire
  • Bauer RP NME Ti Titanium Cage

The Concept C1 goal masks have a carbon fiber shell with a foam liner and sweatband, and a titanium wire cage that attaches to the mask with two screws on each side of the mask. The masks are Senior masks in sizes S/M and M/L. The masks are available in two shell colors: black and white. The model indication “Concept C1” is marked on the top of the shell. A sticker inside the shell at the jaw lists the model and size. A second sticker on the other side of the shell at the jaw lists the country of origin (China), the assembly date and the CE certification. Certification (CSA, HECC) and warning stickers are affixed to the backplate of the mask.

The NME 10 goal masks have a fiberglass/carbon fiber shell with a foam liner and sweatband, and a titanium wire cage that attaches to the mask with two screws on each side of the mask. The masks are Senior masks in three sizes: Fit 1, Fit 2 and Fit 3. The masks are available in two shell colors: black and white. The model indication “NME10” is marked on the top of the shell. A sticker inside the shell at the jaw lists the model and size. A second sticker on the other side of the shell at the jaw lists the country of origin (China), the assembly date and the CE certification. Certification (CSA, HECC) and warning stickers are affixed to the backplate of the mask.

The RP NME Ti Titanium Cage is a replacement cage intended for the Concept C1 and NME 10 goal masks. It has a matte finish. The cage has two side plates, one on each side of the cage. One side plate includes a sticker with the model designation (RP NME Ti Sr) and the CSA certification. The other sticker indicates HECC and CE certification. On the inside of the side plate is a sticker with the country of origin (Thailand).

Bauer has determined there may be a quality issue in some of the titanium wire used in the manufacture of the cages. The affected goal masks and cages do not provide adequate protection in the event of impact from a puck. This could pose a hazard to consumers, such as a facial injury.

Since the initial release of the recall, Health Canada has received two reports of consumer injuries related to the use of these goal masks and cages. These reports involved the wire cage breaking upon impact with a puck and resulting in severe injuries to the eye.

Bauer Hockey Corp. has received eleven reports, ten in Canada and one in the United States, of the titanium wire cage cracking or breaking upon impact with a puck, resulting in minor facial injuries in four of the original reports and the two more serious injuries mentioned above.

For more information, please visit Health Canada (HC):

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Allison Hawkins
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Groupe CSA
[email protected]