
U.S Coast Guard approves extension to CSA-Sira testing scope

CSA-Sira’s commitment to our clients to ensure increased acceptability of Sira-certified equipment around the world has been further strengthened.

CSA-Sira’s application for extension of its laboratory’s approval scope for testing electrical equipment for hazardous locations was accepted by the US Coast Guard in February 2013.

This acceptance is welcome news for our clients as it means that, when their equipment is certified to IECEx requirements to the below standards, it may be installed and used on vessels regulated by the US Coast Guard without the need for additional hazardous location assessment:

  • IEC 60079-0
  • IEC 60079-1
  • IEC 60079-2
  • IEC 60079-5
  • IEC 60079-6
  • IEC 60079-7
  • IEC 60079-11
  • IEC 60079-15
  • IEC 60079-18
  • UL 913

To access the listing on the U.S Coast Guard’s database, please go tohttp://cgmix.uscg.mil/EQLabs/EqLabsSearch.aspx and search for ‘Sira’.

For more information on this topic, please contact CSA-Sira:

Tel: +44 (0) 1244 670 900
Email: [email protected]

Published On

February 21, 2013