
MCERTS Evidence & Witness Tests

For MCERTS product certification, CSA Group Testing UK Ltd appoints a Certification Committee who is required to review laboratory and field test data to demonstrate that the product meets the requirements specified in the relevant MCERTS performance standard.

The Certification Committee is usually comprised of; an Environment Agency representative, an independent technical expert and the Certification Manager at CSA Group. The Certification Committee members must be acceptable to both CSA Group and the manufacturer.

In order to evaluate a product, CSA Group and the Certification Committee need to review evidence which demonstrates that the product meets the specifications in the relevant MCERTS performance standard. The evidence submitted must be robust, defendable and accepted by the Certification Committee.

An audit of the manufacturer is conducted by CSA Group according to EN15267-2, prior to certification. This is to ensure the manufacturer can consistently produce products to the same standard, and that appropriate controls are in place.

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Learn more about the CSA Group

How Do I Get my MCERTS Product Approved? right-arrow

CSA Group has developed a 5 stage approach for manufacturers...

MCERTS Certified Products right-arrow

CSA Group maintains a register of all MCERTS certified products...

Application Forms & Documents right-arrow

Application form for AIR...

Manufacturers, Own-Brand Labellers and Distributors right-arrow

MCERTS certified equipment can be placed on the market in several ways and below...

MCERTS Performance Testing right-arrow

As the chosen partner of the Environment Agency to run the MCERTS certification schemes...

MCERTS Certified Products Copy right-arrow

CSA Group maintains a register of all MCERTS certified products...